Unusual Guitar Model

Unusual Guitar Model

Guitar have many models. from an acoustic into an electric guitar, and from the both of type we can divided into more complicated specification.. I'm Sure many of you haven't seen these weird guitar model.. this is really unusual guitar models we have a pikasso guitars which belong to pat metheny, a quad neck guitar which belong to the amazing michael angelo batio which also known as the hand without shadow guitarist. and beside that we have several unique and weird guitar models.. such as.. OK let's Begin

Here is Quad Guitar which used by the amazing Michael Angelo Batio.. which was also known as the hand's without shadow guitarist

An Oil Tube Guitar.. Castrol user will love this guitar

Game Console Guitar.. Every game Lover will like this kind of guitar

Axe Guitar.. this is very interesting design of a guitar..

Heart Guitar.. This is used by Steve Vai

Quad Guitar.. which was played as an X guitar..

Monster guitar

Hollow Guitar - Incredibly amazing

Sword Guitar

Lego Guitar.. Cute model of a guitar

Woman's Body Guitar

Pikasso Guitar

Gun Guitar.. a gun lover will love this guitar

A foot Guitar.. what can i say about this model??

Quad Guitar again...

So how's that?? do you want to have one?? heheheh i think those unique designed guitar are not sold freely.. you know several years ago i also have a special design guitar which designed for me.. a purple wing's guitar.. but too bad i lost those guitar..


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